
Gregoire, グレグワール

"Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation." George Washington

「植物と同様、友情とはゆっくり育てるものであり、その名称を付ける資格を得るまでには十分の試練を乗り越える必要がある。」 ジョージ・ワシントン

Oct. 13. It’s Greg’s birthday! BONNE FETE GREGOIRE! Everybody, please write him a little note in the COMMENTS!

I’ve been preparing this post for a little while now. But I was tempted to publish it on several occasions thus far. For example when he told me his wife got pregnant about a month ago, again last week when he asked me to be the godfather to his child, and just two days ago when he told me they were having TWINS!!!! Well today, his birthday, was the day that I really wanted to make this public. Kind’a like when I wrote a post for my mother on her birthday.

Let me tell you a little bit about Greg, a very dear friend of mine since high school. Yes, high school! 18 years ago. Specializing in languages, of which he speaks many (including French, English, Spanish, and a few others), he works in a big translation firm. But outside the workplace, he is also a great musician who plays various instruments (especially good on the guitar), and is a fearsome sportsman (most notably as a tennis player and golfer). On a social level, I have also always envied his popularity throughout our high school years and have stolen numerous interpersonal skills from his demeanor.

Greg and I have shared many, many wonderful moments in life together. We've studied together, lived together, traveled together, partied together (like hell!), played various sports together, peformed concerts together...and done countless other things together that I can't spell out here. We know each others’ first times in many things, such as first time drunk, first time driving, first time smoking, and first time…you know... He's come to Japan with me one summer, I've been to Ecuador to visit him there, we've partied at the Brazilian Carnival together, etc. etc. etc.

Of course, great friendships are not built solely on good times. Often the bad ones are those that fortify the relationships. Yes, we’ve had our fights and disagreements like everybody else. But we’ve always been able to learn from each other and from these experiences. Also, we’ve witnessed some of each others’ personal crises, some more serious than others. And I must say that I will forever be in debt to Greg and his family for pulling me through many of the toughest times in my life. I owe them my deepest gratitude.

Although our paths may have bifurcated recently, there is no doubt in my mind that they will again converge in a very near future.





勿論、堅い友情はいい事ばかりではない。みんなと同じように口論や喧嘩も十分してきた。でも、お互いこのような経験を通じて色々と学べたと思う。 そして、お互いの苦しいときもサポートし合って乗り越えたものも多数あるので、これら経験によって、友情もさらに強化されたのではないでしょうか。いやあ、グレッグとグレッグの家族には長い間、色んなときに助けてもらった。本当に感謝しています。



sugako said...

Bon anniversaire Greg.
Happy Birthday!

Tetsu told me a lot about you!!!
so I feel like I have met you before,
I can see you and Tetsu are very best friends,

and again congratulations your wife`s pregnant!!


Anonymous said...



TETSU said...

(Translation of Kurorin-san's message)

tetsu-san is very fortunate to have wonderful friends.

Yes sometimes when someone knows you so well that he/she can complete your sentences, you are bound to have great fun times and down times, even times that you can't write about in here!

I thought that tetsu-san was a talented person, but Greg is also a very talented person.

This year's birthday, with the news of the twins, must be an unforgettable one.

Please let him know that I wish him a great year.

And tetsu-san, please have a great concert tomorrow.

(I had a great concert thank you!)