Ever since SKYPE came out a few years back, I've been telling many of my friends that I predict telephones and internet use will be free for everybody in the near future. I didn't quite know how such an infrastructure could be set up, but I proposed that the government set up and maintain such systems using tax money. Essentially, just set up free wireless stations everywhere (like cellular phone bases), and let people access it (with individual passwords) with their IP cell phone or computer from wherever they are. But such a move would upset some of the internet providers and telecommunication companies already present so... politically... not a good idea.
Well, an Argentina-born entrepreneur Martin Varsavsky came up with a brilliant idea to work this out without government intervention:
FON. In this system, which is based in Spain and invested in by Google, Skype and other big companies, a network of personally owned wireless routers are connected, and all you need to do is to sign up to become a Fonero to use the network for free if you buy a special router and offer to share your bandwidth, or you can pay a small access fee if you don't want to buy the special router and share your bandwidth.
Wow. And the world continues to become smaller and smaller.
そこで、Martin Varsavskyというアルゼンチン出身の起業家が素晴らしいアイディアを提案:フォン!(ハードゲイじゃないよ!)このシステムはスペインから始まり、グーグルやスカイプなどが出資している。簡単に言うと、個人所有の無線LANネットワークがあって、それに加入し、フォネロになる。そうすると、メンバーの誰かのシグナルが拾えるとこにいれば、そこからネットにアクセスできる。特殊なルーターを買って、自分のバンド幅を共有すれば、無料でネットワークが使える。自分のバンド幅を提供したくないのであれば、ルーター代の代わりに使用料が発生する。安いと思うけどね。
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