
What's a blog? |TTips|

(Real date of post: 060302)

Since it's a pretty big thing in Japan, I thought I was the ONLY person in the world who didn't know what a BLOG was! But it appears that many of my contacts elsewhere in the world also have no clue.

Well, from what I understand, a BLOG (which comes from Web+Log) is basically an open diary, in which you write what's happening in your life. People interested in your life but are too busy to correspond with you regularly can read your blogs and stay updated, without the obligation to correspond BUT with the choice of commenting when appropriate. Also, if you host a blog of your own, you can link it to my blog and we can get a good social network going on.

Basically, like most people, I simply can't keep up with all of my friends and contacts... BUT I WANT TO! So I figured a blog might be one solution.

Hey, it's a first for me, hopefully it works out and we can have fun.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TETSU HOMBRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tetsu c fou!!! On s'etait perdu de vue!!!!

Je n'ais pas pu t'ecrire car j'avais perdu ton mail, finalement jai recu apres x ann馥s un mail de ta part.
ALors tu vas bien?Selon ce que j'ai pu lire tu vas tr駸 bien, sa me fait plaisir, moi je suis depuis 3 ans a geneve en suisse, je tzermine mon diplome cet et・puis apres je ne sais pas ce que je vais faire, surement retourner au perou oul il y a beaucoup d'opportunit駸 pour un jeune diplome comme moi heheheh
Ohh la la, j'ai plein de souvenir qui m'envahissent!!!!!
MY baby foot team mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We were the best!!hahaha
The Drumfest!!!!!!!!!! Unforgetable
JAzz fest!!!!
Laval campus!!!!!!
La deliciuse cuisine d eta m馥re, le delicieux th・de ton p駻e!Comment oublier!!!
Jespere qu'ils vont bien!
Le voyage au perou!!!!!!amazing!
La liste est Tr駸 longue.....................
Bon en attendant d'avoir une reponse, cher ami je te salu a la distamnce car sime calcul sont bons tu est au japon wow sa doit etre SUPER!
TAke care
reply as soon as possible
