International Scientific Conference、国際学会
Last week, I was at an international scientific conference in Awaji.
先週は国際学会に参加した。場所は淡路島。Here I am giving an oral presentation. It's exciting to be able to give talks on the same stage as top experts in the world!
口頭発表中の写真です。世界のトップリーダーたちと同じステージに立ってお話し出来るチャンスなんて滅多にないので、本当に良い経験だった。This was my last slide, sending everyone my best wishes for the year of the pigs.
これは最後のスライドで、会場のみなさんに「良いイノシシのお年を」と伝えた。Here I am explaining my poster to the three people lined up and the girl.
Of course it was not perfect, but I think it went well and I learned a lot, so it was worth sacrificing a lot of time during my Christmas vacations to prepare for this!
Thank you Y-sensei for precious advices and T-sensei for the photos.
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