
Tetsu is not Japanese、Tetsu no es Japonés, テツは日本人じゃない

OK, I'm apparently not the only one going through this. Going through what you ask? Well, go check it out here. This is a funny, but realistic, illustration of what a "half", or child of intercultural marriage, goes through in Japan. The first part is about Joe giving his name over the phone and is absolutely hilarious because it's so real! But I wonder how many people can "really" understand how Joe feels... Well, there's at least me! I am essentially Joe McCunney! We're both children of mixed marriages, we're both about the same age, we're both not married, and hey, we're both nice looking!...right? v(^o^)7" The only difference is that Joe "is" Japanese, and I am not.

A ver si no escribo algo en Español hoy...

Supuestamente no soy el único que tiene ese tipo de experiencias. Que tipo de experiencias me preguntas? Mira
aquí. Para un jóven que tiene padres de diferentes nacionalidades, es un video muy divertido. Las cosas que pasan a Joe en Japón son precisamente las que me ocurren a mí! Lo del telefono!?!?! Chistosisimo!! Pero en realidad, no sé cuantas personas pueden reálmente compartir los sentimientos de Joe... Bueno, por lo menos yo! Y también me alegre saber que hay otros como yo en este país. Básicamente, soy Joe McCunney! Los dos tenemos padres de nacionalidades diferentes, somos casi de misma edad, solteros, y sobretodo, guapisimos!... no es cierto? v(^o^)7" La única diferencia es que Joe "es" Japonés, y yo no.

いや〜、俺だけではなかったようだ、このような体験をするのは。どのような体験かって?ここをクリックしてみて下さい。これはハーフにとってメチャメチャ面白いけど、現実的なマンガです。特に、最初の電話で名前を言うとこなんかお腹が痛くなる位笑えたよ。でも、実際に共感できる人はごくわずかでしょうね。。。まあ、このマンガ観て、他にも俺みたいな人がいるってことを知るだけでも楽しいよ。基本的に俺もマッカニー・ジョーだったのだ!俺たち両方ともハーフでしょう、年も近いし、未婚だし、そして、格好いい!。。。でしょう?v(^o^)7" ただ、ジョーは実際日本人で、俺はそうじゃない。


Miki said...

This is great! Where'd/How'd you find this?

TETSU said...

ha ha... I thought u might b one of the first to like this!

yeah... I forgot where I got it from. Whenever I see something I could blog on, I usually don't have time to write about it right away, so I note the URL on my google page. So by the time I pull it back out, I don't remember how I got the stuff. I've got a good reserve of other things to write about! ...now I just need that reserve of "time"...

Miki said...

i do the same thing. i start a blog post with a couple words and some kind of working title so i can remember what it was i wanted to talk about when i get back to it later. sometimes a lot later. by the time i finished my kyoto post, it was 2 months after i got back! i started writing it like 2 days after i got back!

yeah, this joe site is great. It gave me the idea for a post right away. :)