
|FFun| DDiary| NNews| Biocamp and my Right Foot、バイオ合宿と僕の右足

I recently applied to the Novartis Biocamp 2006 and GOT IN! Beautiful. 20 biotech-minded people were selected based on his/her CV and an essay on his/her Biotech-related vision. I don't know how many people applied, but I'm sure glad I got in, 'cuz you know what!? 2 of the 20 participants will be selected to go to the International Novartis Biocamp in Singapore in October! So I have a 1/10 chance to go to Singapore...ALL EXPENSES PAID OF COURSE!

Anywho, maybe sleep deprivation is finally catching up with me, but I'm gonna add this COMPLETELY unrelated material into this post and leave you with this funny exercise that I got from my great buddy Greg's dad (Yvon). As a drummer, I thought this would be easy but... well... you try.

1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand, without your foot changing direction!

...ha ha ha...not easy eh?

この前、外資系の大手製薬会社ノバルティスが主催しているNovartis Biocamp 2006に応募しました。選考基準は本人の履歴書とバイオテクの分野においてのビジョン・夢を語る作文です。応募件数は知らないけど、20名の参加者の一人として選ばれた!やったねテッちゃん!頑張って作文書いた甲斐があったよ!さらに!このバイオキャンプで2人が選ばれて、シンガポールで開催される国際大会の方に招待される!ってことは10%のチャンスでシンガポールのただ旅行に行ける!ワクワク!





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