
|DDiary|NNews|PProf| Novartis Biocamp

Last weekend (July 22-24) was Novartis Biocamp, an original and fun camp aimed at teaching bio-business planning. The 19 chosen bio-minded boys and girls were split into 4 teams and we had to come up with a business plan overnight, for a little competition on the final day. Needless to say, in terms of business planning, it was disastrous. But in terms of dreaming and thinking about crazy stuff, it was a lot of fun. More importantly, in terms of learning the fundamentals of working in a team toward one goal, it was tremendously insightful. Following the competition, two participants were chosen to represent Novartis-Japan at the international biocamp in Singapore in October (CONGRATULATIONS Komoto-san and Ishido-san!).

The name of our team was: STAY, which stood for Sayaka, Tetsu, Akira, and Yoshinari (but in retrospect, the name may not have been very suitable for a bunch of younsters wanting to "GO" on a trip to Singapore! Ha ha. ). Our team’s idea was a product that uses antibodies to take away allergens away from living space. It was inspired by certain parts of my “Biotecture” idea. Although our team didn’t win the best business plan and I didn’t get tickets to Singapore, I left the camp feeling extremely enriched by the great lessons learned, wonderful friends and colleagues made, and important networks established.

Thank you everyone for making the Novartis Biocamp a wonderful experience. Hope to see you again soon.



ちなみに、我々のチームのアイディアは生活空間からアレルギー物質を抗体で駆除するシステム。これは「Biotecture」のアイディアから借りて来たものもある。チーム名は「STAY」でした。それはチームメンバーの名前の頭文字で出来たもの。Sayaka, Tetsu, Akira, Yoshinari.でも、考えてみれば、シンガポールに行きたがっているのに、「STAY(残れ!)」は若干縁起悪かったかも。。。へへへ。まあ、確かに、僕たちは優勝しませんでした。縁起よりも実力の問題だったけどね!でも、良い経験、お友達、ネットワークなど、シンガポール旅行を遥かに超えるものを得たと思っています。


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